Sunday 12 June 2011

A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step

     Well, I've finally sat down and started to write a blog. Why a blog, or why start? Well I suppose writing a blog is a bit like sunbathing naked in your garden... No one is going to see it, but the fact that they might is a little exciting ;) But mainly it gives me the chance to moan about all the little things in life that get right up my nose. A little kick back at the things I'd otherwise just have to swallow. Why start today? I just watched the advert for Dove Deodorant for men... Other Deodorants only fight perspiration and odour. Dove contains moisturiser! WTF? Does that mean that because I've been using the wrong stuff I'm condemned to having wrinkly armpits? Oh and that Dettol Germy Soap Pump thing, well covered by  AJH in his "Advertising Bollocks" blog. Well done for that BTW although I found it ironic (and amusing) that his post was sprinkled with adverts for.... you guessed it... SOAP PUMPS! HEHEHE! I'd add a link here but I don't have a scooby how to :(

     One final thought before I put down my virtual pen;

     Why do software companies insist on offering me the option of "American English" when installing software and no "English English"? Why not just "English"? I mean American is a small sub-set of the English language. Why not Australian, South African, New Zealand, Canadian etc. Oh and it's nothing to do with size. English is the official language of India, the largest democracy in the world. In fact, four times larger by population than the U.S. Could it be that these are American companies? Apple is a prime offender.

     Hmmm.... I think my next post will be on an American theme... Like McDonalds are doing at the moment. You know the one, an American burger bar (I refuse to say restaurant!) selling American style burgers... but a bit "Yee-Hah!"

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About Me

I'm a Guy who has always worked in engineering, but now in my mid 40s, I've given up work to look after my 2 little boys and support my wife's career in medicine.